Loctite SI 5399 (ex Loctite 5399)


LOCTITE® SI 5399 is main­ly used for seal­ing. But it is also sui­ta­ble for gluing and high tem­pe­ra­tu­re appli­ca­ti­ons. They are pri­ma­ri­ly used in indus­tri­al adhe­si­ve and seal­ing appli­ca­ti­ons, in…


Biothan 2 MD 1784

Pro­duc­tion of glass – clear pro­to­ty­pe parts, opti­cal wave­gui­des and glass – clear coa­tings, par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble as a hard, low – vis­co­si­ty LED coa­ting. Modi­fied PUR….


Loctite EA 9492 (ex Hysol 9492)


LOCTITE® EA 9492 is a high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant, two componen­tepo­xy adhe­si­ve. It is a lower vis­co­si­ty ver­si­on of HYSOL® 9491and reta­ins the high per­for­mance fea­tures of this pro­duct. It is…


Loctite EA 9481 (ex Hysol 9481)


LOCTITE® EA 9481 is a gene­ral pur­po­se, two component epo­xy adhe­si­ve, sui­ta­ble for a wide varie­ty of sub­stra­tes. It is ide­al for bon­ding fiber optics and prin­ted cir­cuit boards….


Loctite EA 9466 (ex Hysol 9466)


LOCTITE® EA 9466 is a toug­he­ned, indus­tri­al gra­de epo­xy adhe­si­ve with exten­ded work life. Once mixed, the two component epo­xy cures at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re to form a tough, off-white bondline…


Tero­son MS 9399

2026126 Teroson Ms 9399 Wh 50ml

Tero­son MS 9399 MS Poly­mer 2 component ela­s­tic adhe­si­ve Color: ocher, black2 x 200 ml dou­ble car­tridges or 2 x 25 ml dou­ble cartridges…


Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 799

Repla­ce­ment pro­duct for Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 723 Ache­son. Repla­ce­ment pro­duct for Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 723 Ache­son. BOND­E­RI­TE L-CA CP 799 ACHE­SON is a high-solids emul­si­on of spe­ci­al­ly sel­ec­ted release agents…


Loctite SF 7900 Aero­dag Ceramishield


Loctite SF 7900 AERODAG® Cera­mis­hield™ is a cera­mic dry film pro­tec­ti­ve coa­ting for MIG/MAG wel­ding pro­ces­ses. This pro­duct pro­tects­cont­act tips and wel­ding nozz­les by pre­ven­ting adhe­si­on of wel­ding spat­ter. This results in…


Per­ma­bond A126 Anae­ro­bic Retainer


Per­ma­bond® A126 is a high-strength anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve for per­ma­nent assem­bly of coaxi­al assem­blies or threa­ded metal compon­ents. The excep­tio­nal­ly low vis­co­si­ty of this pro­duct makes it ide­al for use on…


Per­ma­bond 947 Cya­noacry­la­te adhesive

PER­MA­BOND® 947 is a low odour, non-fog­ging, non-fros­ting alk­oxy­ethyl cya­noacry­la­te. The redu­ced odour impro­ves worker comfort. Unsight­ly fog­ging adja­cent to bond­li­nes, common with other cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves on hot and humid…


Per­ma­bond 940 Cya­noacry­la­te adhesive


PER­MA­BOND® 940 is a low odour, non-fog­ging, non-fros­ting alk­oxy­ethyl cya­noacry­la­te. The redu­ced odour impro­ves worker comfort. Unsight­ly fog­ging adja­cent to bond­li­nes, common with other cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves on hot and humid…


Per­ma­bond 941 Cya­noacry­la­te adhesive

PER­MA­BOND® 941 is a low odour, non-fog­ging, non-fros­ting alk­oxy­ethyl cya­noacry­la­te. The redu­ced odour impro­ves worker comfort. Unsight­ly fog­ging adja­cent to bond­li­nes, common with other cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves on hot and humid…


Per­ma­bond 943 Cya­noacry­la­te adhesive


PER­MA­BOND® 943 is a low odour, non-fog­ging, non-fros­ting alk­oxy­ethyl cya­noacry­la­te. The redu­ced odour impro­ves worker comfort. Unsight­ly fog­ging adja­cent to bond­li­nes, common with other cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves on hot and humid…



Sili­tech AG has been suc­cessful­ly dis­tri­bu­ting spe­cial che­mi­cal-tech­ni­cal pro­ducts and access­ories from lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers world­wi­de for over 20 years.  Inter­na­tio­nal­ly net­work­ed, local­ly on the spot Thanks to our coope­ra­ti­on with suc­cessful and…


Loctite UR 7220 (ex Macro­plast UR 7220)

LOCTITE® UR 7220 is a sol­vent-free, mois­tu­re-curing one-component adhe­si­ve with a very long, open-time, poly­ure­tha­ne-based finish. LOCTITE® UR 7220 is used for the pro­duc­tion of composi­te ele­ments which con­tain moisture…
