Per­ma­bond A 131


Per­ma­bond® A131 is an anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve desi­gned to seal threa­ded metal pipe con­nec­tions car­ry­ing a wide varie­ty of gases and liquids, inclu­ding pota­ble water. Sui­ta­ble for use on both parallel…


Per­ma­bond ES 578

UL94 V-0,578,1 k,epoxy,silitech,permabond

PER­MA­BOND® ES578 is a sin­gle-part heat cured epo­xy adhe­si­ve with excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces, cera­mics as well as composi­te mate­ri­als. ES578 pro­vi­des excel­lent ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty and bond strength. ES578…


Per­ma­bond 825

Permabond 825

Per­ma­bond 825 is a low vis­co­si­ty cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ve, which resists tem­pe­ra­tures up to 200°C wit­hout the need for secon­da­ry/­post-cure, to achie­ve tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance, and offers excel­lent strength reten­ti­on during thermal…


Per­ma­bond ET 5147

et 5147

PER­MA­BOND® ET5147 is a 2:1 mixa­ble epo­xy adhe­si­ve. It has excel­lent resis­tance to impact and vibra­ti­on and is ide­al for struc­tu­ral bon­ding of metal, wood, composi­tes and cer­tain pla­s­tics. Its…



Tes­ti­mo­ni­als Stu­di­os and sculp­tu­re pro­duc­tion «Chris­toph Fischer Heinz» Rea­li­siert mit Sili­sil ZA 22 WT The 3.5 met­re high work of art is cast in con­cre­te, weighs three ton­nes and was made…



Sili­tech AG – For more than 20 years we have been your relia­ble, inter­na­tio­nal­ly acti­ve part­ner for che­mi­cal-tech­ni­cal spe­cial pro­ducts from lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers of sili­co­nes, adhe­si­ves, pot­ting compounds and lubricants…


Per­ma­bond UV 7141


…cure tacks the compon­ents in place in seconds, redu­cing the need for jig­ging. The bulk of the adhe­si­ve then cures more slow­ly to pro­du­ce opti­mum performance.Viscosity 1000 – 2000 mPa.s…


Per­ma­bond ET 510

510,1 k,epoxy,permaond,silitech

…and some pla­s­tics and composi­tes. The pro­duct cures rapidly at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re rea­ching hand­ling strength in 20-40 minu­tes. Once cured, Per­ma­bond ET510 has good che­mi­cal and envi­ron­men­tal resistance.Viscosity 21’000 mPa.s…


Per­ma­bond ET 515

515,2 k,epoxy,silitech,permabond,fast

…pla­s­tics and composi­tes. It’s a rela­tively fast curing epo­xy; rea­ching hand­ling strength in 15 minu­tes. It is ide­al for bon­ding dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als whe­re dif­fe­ren­ti­al ther­mal expan­si­on is anticipated.Viscosity 20’000 mPa.s…


Per­ma­bond ET 500

PER­MA­BOND® ET500 is a two-part fast-set­ting epo­xy adhe­si­ve which bonds to a wide varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and composi­tes. It cures rapidly at…


Per­ma­bond ES 569

569,1 k,epoxy,silitech,permabond

PER­MA­BOND® ES569 is a sin­gle-part heat cured epo­xy adhe­si­ve with excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces as well as composi­te mate­ri­als. The high bond strength of this adhe­si­ve allows it to…
