Loctite EDAG 725A known as Elec­tro­dag 725 A

…sil­ver par­tic­les disper­sed in a ther­mo­pla­s­tic res­in. The pro­duct is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the pro­duc­tion of low vol­ta­ge cir­cuits on poly­es­ter film, whe­re it combines excel­lent fle­xi­bi­li­ty with high conductivity….


Per­ma­bond ET 505

505,2 k,epoxy,permabond,silitech

…some pla­s­tics and composi­tes. Per­ma­bond ET505 forms tough bonds pro­vi­ding high peel resis­tance and high shear strength. The exten­ded work life of this pro­duct allows for adjus­t­ment and makes it…


Per­ma­bond ET 536

536,2 k,epoxy,permabond,silitech

PER­MA­BOND® ET536 is a two-part, 1:1 mixa­ble epo­xy adhe­si­ve with good adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and composi­tes. Per­ma­bond ET536 forms…


Per­ma­bond ET 538

538,2 k,epoxy,silitech,permabond

PER­MA­BOND® ET538 is a struc­tu­ral, room tem­pe­ra­tu­re curing epo­xy adhe­si­ve that has excel­lent adhe­si­on to a wide varie­ty of sur­faces such as wood, metal, cera­mics and many pla­s­tic and composi­te…


Per­ma­bond ET 540

540,2 k,epoxy,permabond,silitech

composi­tes. Per­ma­bond ET540 forms tough bonds pro­vi­ding high peel resis­tance and high shear strength cou­pled with excel­lent resis­tance to high tem­pe­ra­tures. The exten­ded work life of this pro­duct allows for…


Per­ma­bond ES 550

550,1 k,epoxy,silitech,permabond

…impact resis­tance, along with excel­lent peel and shear strength. ES550 is ide­al for bon­ding a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and composites.THIXO. Vis­ko­si­tät 1‘000000 – 2‘000000 mPa.s…


Per­ma­bond ES 558

558,1 k,epoxy,permabond,silitech

…impact resis­tance, along with excel­lent peel and shear strength. ES558 is ide­al for bon­ding a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and composi­tes. Vis­co­si­ty 100’000 – 300’000 mPa.s…


Per­ma­bond ES 562

562,1 k,epoxy,permabond,silitech

PER­MA­BOND® ES562 is a sin­gle-part epo­xy adhe­si­ve which flows like sold­er when hea­ted during curing. The adhe­si­ve has excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces and composi­tes. The high bond strength of…


Loctite EA 3421 (ex Hysol 3421)


LOCTITE® EA 3421 is a two component epo­xy adhe­si­ve which cures slow­ly at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re after mixing. It is a gene­ral­pur­po­se, flowa­ble adhe­si­ve which deve­lo­ps high strength and has excellent…


Tero­son MS 935

Teroson Ms 935 Elastischer Kleb & Dichtstoff 290ml / 414g

Tero­son MS 935 MS Poly­mer 1 and 2 component ela­s­tic adhe­si­ve and dye stuffs. Excel­lent che­mi­cal resis­tance, UV-sta­ble, appli­ca­ti­on temp: short-term up to 180 ° C. Colors: White, Gray, Black310…


Loctite 586

LOCTITE®586 cures when con­fi­ned in the absence of air bet­ween clo­se fit­ting metal sur­faces. LOCTITE®586 is used to seal threads against water, oil and most common orga­nic materials….


Tero­son MS 9380

Teroson Ms 9380 Elastischer Klebstoff 290ml / 414g

Tero­son MS 9380 MS-Poly­mer 1 and 2 component ela­s­tic adhe­si­ve with high adhe­si­on. Colour; White, Gray 310 ml nozz­le cartridge…


Loctite AA 3311 (ex Loctite 3311)

…stres­s­crack­ing under typi­cal mold­ed stress levels. It enables easyas­sem­bly of compon­ents with clo­se fit­ting tole­ran­ces (i.e.joining poly­car­bo­na­te to fle­xi­ble PVC tubing), and isre­com­men­ded for appli­ca­ti­ons invol­ving small gaps less than0.25mm….



…Last Tele­fon* Email* Adress* Company Street City ZIP / Pos­tal Code Coun­try­Af­gha­ni­st­anAl­ba­nia­Al­ge­ria­Ame­ri­can Samo­a­An­dor­ra­An­go­la­An­guil­la­Ant­ar­c­ti­ca­An­ti­gua and Bar­bu­d­a­Ar­gen­ti­na­Ar­me­nia­Aru­ba­Aus­tra­lia­Aus­tria­Azer­bai­jan­Ba­ha­mas­Bah­rain­Ban­gla­desh­Bar­ba­do­s­Be­la­rus­Bel­gi­um­Be­liz­eBen­in­Ber­mu­daB­hu­tan­Bo­li­viaBon­aire, Sint Eusta­ti­us and Saba­Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­n­a­Bots­wa­n­a­Bou­vet Island­Bra­zil­Bri­tish Indi­an Oce­an Ter­ri­to­ry­Bru­nei Dar­us­sa­lam­Bul­ga­ria­Bur­ki­na FasoBu­run­di­Cam­bo­dia­Ca­meroon­Ca­na­da­Cape Ver­de­Cayman Island­s­Cen­tral African Repu­blic­Chad­Chil­eChi­na­Ch­rist­mas…


Loctite UR 7228 (ex Macro­plast UR 7228)

LOCTITE® UR 7228 is a sol­vent-free, mois­tu­re-curing, one-component, poly­ure­tha­ne-based adhe­si­ve. LOCTITE® UR 7228 is used for the pro­duc­tion of composi­te ele­ments which con­tain mois­tu­re (for exam­p­le, wood), with each other…


Per­ma­bond 4UV80HV

…and UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for bon­ding medi­cal devices. (ISO 10993-5 Cyto­to­xi­ci­ty) It has excel­lent adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of pla­s­tics and metals common­ly found in the medi­cal industry….
