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Per­ma­bond® A134 is a high-strength anae­ro­bic pro­duct desi­gned for the per­ma­nent locking and seal­ing of metal parts. Its ‘non-drip’ for­mu­la­ti­on makes it sui­ta­ble for use on lar­ger fit­tings, coar­se threads or for the reno­va­ti­on of assem­blies whe­re wide tole­ran­ces are expec­ted due to dama­ge or wear. A134 can extend the life of com­pon­ents by redu­cing the effects of cor­ro­si­on in aggres­si­ve environments.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-220

Per­ma­bond® A136 is an anae­ro­bic mate­ri­al desi­gned for making ‘for­med in situ’ gas­kets bet­ween metal sur­faces. It is capa­ble of repla­cing a wide ran­ge of con­ven­tio­nal gas­kets ther­eby offe­ring poten­ti­al for redu­ced stock hol­dings. By allo­wing sur­face to sur­face cont­act, load trans­mis­si­on can be impro­ved. As the pro­duct does not shrink, creep or relax after curing, no bolt re-tig­h­­tening is requi­red. Its excel­lent che­mi­cal resis­tance allows its use with a wide varie­ty of gases and liquids. THIXO

Artic­le num­ber: 49-221.FL

Per­ma­bond® A Sur­face Acti­va­tor (A905) is used in con­junc­tion with Per­ma­bond A (anae­ro­bic) adhe­si­ves and sealants.A905 is desi­gned to allow non-metal­­lic sur­faces to be bonded/sealed. It also acce­le­ra­tes the cure rate of anae­ro­bics and impro­ves bon­ding to con­ta­mi­na­ted sur­faces. It will also allow the adhe­si­ve to cure in a lar­ger gap.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-225

Per­ma­bond® A126 is a high-strength anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve for per­ma­nent assem­bly of coaxi­al assem­blies or threa­ded metal com­pon­ents. The excep­tio­nal­ly low vis­co­si­ty of this pro­duct makes it ide­al for use on tight fit­ting com­pon­ents or whe­re the adhe­si­ve needs to be appli­ed after assem­bly. In addi­ti­on it may also be used to seal poro­si­ty in welds or castings.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-217.FL

Per­ma­bond® C Sur­face Acti­va­tor (CSA) is used in con­junc­tion with Per­ma­bond cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves to pro­mo­te a fas­ter cure and to extend their gap-fil­­ling capa­bi­li­ties. It also enables fil­lets of cured adhe­si­ve to be for­med if requi­red and can be used to redu­ce the effects of bloo­ming, which can affect deco­ra­ti­ve sur­faces. Use of CSA also faci­li­ta­tes the bon­ding of porous surfaces.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-229.FL

Per­ma­bond® C Sur­face Acti­va­tor (CSA-NF) is used in con­junc­tion with Per­ma­bond cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves to pro­mo­te a fas­ter cure and to extend their gap-fil­­ling capa­bi­li­ties. It signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ces the whitening effect often asso­cia­ted with more acti­ve cya­noacrya­tes. It has been deve­lo­ped to be non-harmful and non-flamm­a­­b­le (NF) making sto­rage, ship­ment and use of the pro­duct less hazardous.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-229NF.FL

Clea­ning agent for gluing

Artic­le num­ber: 49-292

PER­MA­BOND® ES550 is a sin­g­le-part epo­xy pas­te which is slump-resistant (does not flow) during cure. The adhe­si­ve is toug­he­ned for maxi­mum impact resis­tance, along with excel­lent peel and shear strength. ES550 is ide­al for bon­ding a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and composites.THIXO. Vis­ko­si­tät 1‘000000 – 2‘000000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-550

PER­MA­BOND® ES558 is a sin­g­le-part epo­xy pas­te which flows like sold­er when hea­ted during curing. The adhe­si­ve is toug­he­ned for maxi­mum impact resis­tance, along with excel­lent peel and shear strength. ES558 is ide­al for bon­ding a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and com­po­si­tes. Vis­co­si­ty 100’000 – 300’000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-558

PER­MA­BOND® ES562 is a sin­g­le-part epo­xy adhe­si­ve which flows like sold­er when hea­ted during curing. The adhe­si­ve has excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces and com­po­si­tes. The high bond strength of this adhe­si­ve allows it to replace mecha­ni­cal fas­tening, sold­e­ring or bra­zing. The adhesive’s low vis­co­si­ty is such that it self-levels. Vis­co­si­ty 15’000 – 25’000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-562