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Per­ma­bond® HM162 is a medi­um vis­co­si­ty retai­ning com­pound that cures when con­fi­ned bet­ween metal parts to form an extre­me­ly tough bond. It is best sui­ted for cylind­ri­cal parts and whe­re high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance is requi­red. In the uncu­red, liquid sta­te, the adhe­si­ve wets the metal sur­faces, key­ing into all sur­face irre­gu­la­ri­ties and fills the space bet­ween the mated parts.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-200

Per­ma­bond® MH052 is ide­al for the seal­ing of threa­ded joints. It is appro­ved for use with natu­ral gas and LPG for working pres­su­re up to 20 bar (290 psi) and also for gas­eous oxy­gen up to 10 bar (145 psi) and 60°C (140°F). MH052 seals against gas, water, LPG, hydro­car­bons, oils and other che­mi­cals and will seal to the burst rating of the pipe. Unli­ke PTFE tape or hemp, Per­ma­bond MH052 will not shred or dry out, so it will pro­vi­de a dura­ble seal, hel­ping to extend the life of the components.THIXO

Artic­le num­ber: 49-203

Per­ma­bond® MH196 is an anae­ro­bic mate­ri­al desi­gned for making “for­med in situ” gas­kets bet­ween metal sur­faces. It is capa­ble of repla­cing a wide ran­ge of con­ven­tio­nal gas­kets, ther­eby offe­ring poten­ti­al for redu­ced stock hol­dings. By allo­wing sur­face to sur­face cont­act, load trans­mis­si­on can be impro­ved. As the pro­duct does not shrink, creep or relax after curing, no bolt re-tig­h­­tening is requi­red. It has excel­lent che­mi­cal and high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance or up to 200°C.THIXO

Artic­le num­ber: 49-202

Per­ma­bond® MH199 is an anae­ro­bic mate­ri­al desi­gned for making “for­med in situ” gas­kets bet­ween metal sur­faces. It is capa­ble of repla­cing a wide ran­ge of con­ven­tio­nal gas­kets, ther­eby offe­ring poten­ti­al for redu­ced stock hol­dings. By allo­wing sur­face to sur­face cont­act, load trans­mis­si­on can be impro­ved. As the pro­duct does not shrink, creep or relax after curing, no bolt re-tig­h­­tening is requi­red. It has excel­lent che­mi­cal and high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance or up to 200°C.THIXO

Artic­le num­ber: 49-205

PER­MA­BOND® MT382 two-part, modi­fied epo­xy adhe­si­ve desi­gned for sealing/bonding and pot­ting appli­ca­ti­ons. It has excel­lent adhe­si­on to Nylon, ABS, Poly­car­bo­na­te and other pla­s­tics as well as a varie­ty of dif­fe­rent metals. The pro­duct can be cured in dif­fe­rent mix rati­os depen­ding on the fle­xi­bi­li­ty requi­red in the final cured pro­duct. MT382 is self-levelling.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-3820

PER­MA­BOND® MT3821 is a 2:1, two-part, modi­fied epo­xy adhe­si­ve desi­gned for seal­ing and bon­ding. It has excel­lent adhe­si­on to Nylon, ABS, Poly­car­bo­na­te and other pla­s­tics as well as a varie­ty of dif­fe­rent metals. When cured, this adhe­si­ve is soft and flexible.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-3821

Per­ma­bond® Poly­o­le­fin Pri­mer has been deve­lo­ped for sur­face tre­at­ment of poly­o­lef­ins, PTFE and sili­co­nes pri­or to bon­ding with Per­ma­bond® Cya­noacry­la­te adhesives.Due to their low sur­face ener­gy, pla­s­tics such as PTFE, Poly­pro­py­le­ne (PP), Poly­ethy­le­ne (PE) and Sili­co­nes are dif­fi­cult to bond wit­hout spe­cial sur­face tre­at­ment. Howe­ver, after tre­at­ment with Per­ma­bond® Poly­o­le­fin Pri­mer, dura­ble bonds stron­ger than the sub­stra­te mate­ri­al can be achieved.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-249FL..G050

PER­MA­BOND® TA4246 is a 2-part, no-mix, room tem­pe­ra­tu­re curing struc­tu­ral adhe­si­ve. It is ide­al for use on a wide varie­ty of sub­stra­te mate­ri­als and forms a very high strength struc­tu­ral bond with excel­lent envi­ron­men­tal dura­bi­li­ty and che­mi­cal resis­tance. It has high peel strength and excel­lent impact resis­tance and can be used to replace rivets or wel­ding to give a more light­weight, dura­ble assem­bly. Use with Per­ma­bond® Initia­tor 46. Set­ting time 2 – 4 minutes

Artic­le num­ber: 49-4246

PER­MA­BOND® TA430 is a struc­tu­ral acrylic adhe­si­ve desi­gned pri­ma­ri­ly for bon­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics, wood, and some ther­mo­pla­s­tics. This adhe­si­ve may be used in a varie­ty of struc­tu­ral bon­ding appli­ca­ti­ons due to its ver­sa­ti­le per­for­mance capa­bi­li­ties. Per­ma­bond TA430 pro­vi­des high strength while main­tai­ning excel­lent fle­xi­bi­li­ty, resul­ting in tough, dura­ble bonds with out­stan­ding impact and peel resistance.Setting time 50-90 Seconds.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-430

PER­MA­BOND® TA4302 is a 2-part, 1:1 toug­he­ned acrylic adhe­si­ve. It can be used to bond a wide varie­ty of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, pla­s­tics, GRP, cera­mics, wood and other sub­stra­tes. It is con­ve­ni­ent to use in an easy-to-dis­­pen­­se car­tridge or it can be used bead on bead wit­hout a mixing nozz­le. Set­ting time 3 – 5 Minutes.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-4302