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PER­MA­BOND TA4310 is a 2-part, 1:1 toug­he­ned acrylic adhe­si­ve. Its toug­hening makes it ide­al for bon­ding dis­si­mi­lar mate­ri­als whe­re dif­fe­ren­ti­al ther­mal expan­si­on and con­trac­tion could be an issue. Ide­al for Alu­mi­ni­um. Set­ting time 10 – 15 minutes.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-4310

PER­MA­BOND® TA435 is a struc­tu­ral acrylic adhe­si­ve desi­gned pri­ma­ri­ly for bon­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and some ther­mo­pla­s­tics. This adhe­si­ve may be used in a varie­ty of struc­tu­ral bon­ding appli­ca­ti­ons, due to its ver­sa­ti­le per­for­mance capa­bi­li­ties. Set­ting time 2 minutes.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-435

PER­MA­BOND® TA436 is a struc­tu­ral acrylic adhe­si­ve desi­gned pri­ma­ri­ly for bon­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and some ther­mo­pla­s­tics. Tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant up to 150 ° C.Setting time 30-60 seconds.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-436

PER­MA­BOND® TA437 is a struc­tu­ral acrylic adhe­si­ve desi­gned pri­ma­ri­ly for bon­ding metals and fer­ri­tes. Tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant up to 200 ° C. Set­ting time 30-45 seconds.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-437

Res­in and initia­tor, sui­ta­ble for extre­me bon­ding of magnets wit­hout acid for elec­tric motors. Tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant up to 200 ° C. Set­ting time 20-40 seconds.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-439

Res­in and initia­tor, sui­ta­ble for extre­me bon­ding magnets wit­hout acid for elec­tric motors. Set­ting time 20-40 seconds.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-459

PER­MA­BOND® TA4620 is a 2-com­­po­­nent, rein­forced acrylic adhe­si­ve in a 1:1 mixing ratio. It has been spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned for bon­ding low sur­face ener­gy pla­s­tics such as poly­pro­py­le­ne and poly­ethy­le­ne – no pri­mer or sur­face pre-tre­a­t­­ment is required.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-4620

PER­MA­BOND® UV605 is a very low vis­co­si­ty, high strength adhe­si­ve which cures on expo­sure to UV light. Its excel­lent opti­cal cla­ri­ty and resis­tance to yel­lo­wing make it ide­al for bon­ding glass and crys­tal for a high qua­li­ty finish. The low vis­co­si­ty results in excel­lent capil­la­ry action making it sui­ta­ble for appli­ca­ti­on after the com­pon­ents have been assem­bled. Vis­co­si­ty 75 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-605

PER­MA­BOND® UV610 is a sin­gle part, fast set­ting, UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for bon­ding glass and metal. Its high strength makes it sui­ta­ble for a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons inclu­ding glass fur­ni­tu­re whe­re it is pos­si­ble to crea­te high strength edge joints. Vis­co­si­ty 800 – 1000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-610

PER­MA­BOND® UV 612 is a high strength adhe­si­ve which cures on expo­sure to UV light. Its excel­lent opti­cal cla­ri­ty and resis­tance to yel­lo­wing make it ide­al for bon­ding glass and crys­tal for a high qua­li­ty finish. Its sta­bi­li­ty under ambi­ent fluo­re­s­cent light­ing makes it sui­ta­ble for use on glass bevels whe­re some clean-up may be requi­red after bonding.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-612