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PER­MA­BOND® UV 6160 is a sin­gle part, fast set­ting adhe­si­ve which cures rapidly on expo­sure to UV light. UV6160 has been spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for­mu­la­ted to pro­vi­de excel­lent opti­cal cla­ri­ty and enhan­ced trans­pa­ren­cy, even when used in thick lay­ers, in com­pres­si­on or in a hea­vi­ly loa­ded joint.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-6160

PER­MA­BOND® UV620 is a sin­gle part, fast curing, UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve. Its excel­lent opti­cal cla­ri­ty and resis­tance to yel­lo­wing make it ide­al for bon­ding glass and crys­tal for a high qua­li­ty finish. It is well sui­ted for a varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons inclu­ding glass fur­ni­tu­re, deco­ra­ti­ve orna­ments and other glass objects whe­re high strength and appearance are requi­red. Vis­co­si­ty 2000 – 3000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-620

PER­MA­BOND® UV 6231 is a sin­gle part, fast curing, UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve. Its excel­lent opti­cal cla­ri­ty and resis­tance to yel­lo­wing make it ide­al for bon­ding glass and crys­tal for a high qua­li­ty finish. It has excel­lent resis­tance to mois­tu­re and humi­di­ty making it ide­al for bath­room type appli­ca­ti­ons (such as bath­room sca­les, show­er doors etc.) and also out­door appli­ca­ti­ons whe­re good resis­tance to wea­the­ring is essential.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-6231

PER­MA­BOND® UV625 is a sin­gle part, fast curing, UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve pri­ma­ri­ly desi­gned for bon­ding and seal­ing glass and metal. The cured adhe­si­ve is tough, fle­xi­ble and has excel­lent impact resis­tance. The gel-like vis­co­si­ty and good depth of cure make it ide­al for use on ver­ti­cal sur­faces or whe­re lar­ge gaps are invol­ved. Vis­co­si­ty gel.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-625

PER­MA­BOND® UV630 is a sin­gle part, fast set­ting, and UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for bon­ding pla­s­tics. This mate­ri­al has excel­lent adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of pla­s­tics inclu­ding poly­car­bo­na­te. Per­ma­bond UV630 has very high shear strength, elon­ga­ti­on and impact resis­tance making it ide­al for appli­ca­ti­ons that requi­re sub­stra­tes with dif­fe­rent coef­fi­ci­ents of ther­mal expan­si­on. Vis­co­si­ty 200 – 300 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-630

PER­MA­BOND® UV632 is a UV-curing adhe­si­ve deve­lo­ped for use on pla­s­tics. It has superb adhe­si­on to acrylic and con­ta­ins a long-wave­­length pho­to initia­tor to allow it to cure through UV-sta­­bi­­li­­sed pla­s­tics. This adhe­si­ve can also be used to bond glass, metals and other mate­ri­als. UV632 cures to give a colour­less bond so is ide­al for appli­ca­ti­ons whe­re aes­the­tic appearance is vital­ly important. Vis­co­si­ty 200 -300 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-632

PER­MA­BOND® UV640 is a sin­gle part, fast set­ting, and UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for bon­ding pla­s­tics. This mate­ri­al has excel­lent adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of pla­s­tics inclu­ding poly­car­bo­na­te. Per­ma­bond UV640 has very high shear strength, elon­ga­ti­on and impact resis­tance making it ide­al for appli­ca­ti­ons that requi­re sub­stra­tes with dif­fe­rent coef­fi­ci­ents of ther­mal expan­si­on. Vis­co­si­ty 3000-4000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-640

PER­MA­BOND® UV648 is a UV-curing adhe­si­ve deve­lo­ped for use on pla­s­tics. It has superb adhe­si­on to acrylic and con­ta­ins a long-wave­­length pho­to initia­tor to allow it to cure through UV-sta­­bi­­li­­sed pla­s­tics. This adhe­si­ve can also be used to bond glass, metals and other mate­ri­als. UV648 cures to give a colour­less bond so is ide­al for appli­ca­ti­ons whe­re aes­the­tic appearance is vital­ly important.. Vis­co­si­ty gel.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-6488

PER­MA­BOND® UV 649 is a sin­gle part, fast set­ting, and UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for bon­ding pla­s­tics. This mate­ri­al has excel­lent adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of pla­s­tics inclu­ding poly­car­bo­na­te as well as metals and glass. It has very high shear strength, elon­ga­ti­on and impact resis­tance making it ide­al for appli­ca­ti­ons that requi­re sub­stra­tes with dif­fe­rent coef­fi­ci­ents of ther­mal expan­si­on. PER­MA­BOND® UV 649 has good depth of curing capa­bi­li­ties which make it sui­ta­ble for use as a sealant.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-649

PER­MA­BOND® UV670 is a sin­gle part, fast curing, UV cura­ble adhe­si­ve. The cured adhe­si­ve is tough, fle­xi­ble and has excel­lent impact resis­tance. Per­ma­bond UV670 is well sui­ted for bon­ding glass to metals and meta­li­zed pla­s­tics. Vis­co­si­ty 2000 – 3000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-670