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Epo­xy 1-com­­po­­nent adhe­si­ve which is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by its rela­tively rapid curing and very good tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance. Becau­se of his­tough ela­s­tic cha­rac­ter, it exhi­bits very good strength pro­per­ties, even under cri­ti­cal loads, such as impact, pee­ling and vibra­ti­ons. It has a very good gap fil­ling capa­ci­ty and bonds a varie­ty of mate­ri­als such as metals, fer­ri­tes and cera­mics. Vis­co­si­ty 140,000 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-269.KT

This is a sin­gle com­po­nent sol­vent free epo­xy based pro­duct which sets quick­ly when hea­ted. Bond­ed assem­blies have excel­lent resis­tance to high tem­pe­ra­tures and seve­re envi­ron­ments. LOCTITE® EA 4582 com­bi­nes very fast set­ting at 150°C with some gap fill capa­bi­li­ty. Vis­ko­si­tät 67’500 mPa.s

Artic­le num­ber: 49-265.KT

LOCTITE® EA 9466 is a toug­he­ned, indus­tri­al gra­de epo­xy adhe­si­ve with exten­ded work life. Once mixed, the two com­po­nent epo­xy cures at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re to form a tough, off-white bond­li­ne which pro­vi­des high peel resis­tance and high shear strengths.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-9466

LOCTITE® EA 9480 is a two com­po­nent room tem­pe­ra­tu­re curing epo­xy adhe­si­ve deve­lo­ped for use in food cont­act appli­ca­ti­ons. Tem­pe­ra­tur resis­tance 120°C

Artic­le num­ber: 49-9480

LOCTITE® EA 9481 is a gene­ral pur­po­se, two com­po­nent epo­xy adhe­si­ve, sui­ta­ble for a wide varie­ty of sub­stra­tes. It is ide­al for bon­ding fiber optics and prin­ted cir­cuit boards.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-9481

LOCTITE® EA 9483 is a low vis­co­si­ty, indus­tri­al gra­de epo­xy adhe­si­ve. It is sui­ta­ble for bon­ding and pot­ting whe­re opti­cal cla­ri­ty and high strength are required

Artic­le num­ber: 49-9483

LOCTITE® EA 9492 is a high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant, two com­po­nen­tepo­xy adhe­si­ve. It is a lower vis­co­si­ty ver­si­on of HYSOL® 9491and reta­ins the high per­for­mance fea­tures of this pro­duct. It is age­ne­ral pur­po­se adhe­si­ve that bonds and repairs a wide­va­rie­ty of materials.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-9492

LOCTITE® EA 9497 is ide­al for heat dis­si­pa­ti­on appli­ca­ti­ons such asbon­ding metal sheets for high heat trans­fer and pot­ting elec­tri­cal components.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-9497

LOCTITE® EA E32 has remar­kab­le resis­tance to both sta­tic and dyna­mic loa­ding, and bonds to a wide varie­ty of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, com­po­si­tes, cera­mics and wood. LOCTITE® EA E32 has been sel­ec­ted for many indus­tri­al assem­blies whe­re struc­tu­ral inte­gri­ty is required.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-273

LOCTITE® EA E3500 is a light­ly thixo­tro­pic, medi­um vis­co­si­ty, two part epo­xy which is capa­ble of good per­for­mance even on dif­fi­cult sur­faces (e.g. Nylon).  Vis­ko­si­tät 17’000 mPa.s.

Artic­le num­ber: 49-30.PG