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LOCTITE® SF 7090 is a reac­ti­ve mono­mer based “sol­vent free”surface acti­va­tor desi­gned to pro­mo­te the cure speed ofLOC­TI­TE® anae­ro­bic products.

Article number: 49-7090

LOCTITE® SF 7240 is desi­gned to pro­mo­te the curing speed of LOCTITE® anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ves and sealants, wit­hout signi­fi­cant loss of joint strength.

Article number: 49-7240

LOCTITE® SF 7455 is used whe­re increased cure speed of LOCTITE® cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves is required.

Article number: 49-382

LOCTITE® SF 7471 is used whe­re increased cure speed of LOCTITE® anae­ro­bic pro­ducts is required.

Article number: 49-7471

LOCTITE® SF 7649 is used when an increased curing speed of anae­ro­bic LOCTITE® pro­ducts is required

Article number: 49-7649

LOCTITE® SF 770 is used to pre-tre­at poly­o­lef­ins or other mate­ri­als with low sur­face ener­gies so they can be trea­ted with LOCTITE® cyanoacrylate-adhesives

Article number: 49-770

LOCTITE® SF 7701 is used to make poly­o­le­fin and other low ener­gy sur­faces sui­ta­ble for bon­ding with LOCTITE® cya­noacry­la­te adhesives

Article number: 49-7701

LOCTITE®5368 is gene­ral­ly used for seal­ing applications,but also for bon­ding and for high tem­pe­ra­tu­re protection.

Article number: 49-5368

LOCTITE® SI 5910 is a low-strength sili­co­ne-based sur­face sealant for fle­xi­ble flan­ges with machi­ned sur­faces or cast flan­ges (metal or pla­s­tic). The pro­duct is sui­ta­ble for gap dimen­si­ons up to 1 mm and achie­ves a through-cure of 2.75 mm in 24 h. Typi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons include flan­ge seal­ing of stam­ped sheet metal parts (timing cover and oil pans).

  • Good resis­tance to oils and to rela­ti­ve movement.
  • Available in car­tridges, tubes or pres­su­ri­zed cans
  • For fle­xi­ble flanges
  • Redu­ces migra­ti­on of the liquid pro­duct after appli­ca­ti­on to the part

Article number: 49-5910

Stan­dard har­de­ner for LOCTITE ® 2 K PUR adhesives

Article number: 62-5400