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Dye white for biotha­ne resins. Intransparent

Artic­le num­ber: 51-595

Dye yel­low for biotha­ne resins. Intransparent

Artic­le num­ber: 51-593

Har­de­ner trans­pa­rent, low viscosity

Artic­le num­ber: 51-331

Har­de­ner trans­pa­rent, low viscosity

Artic­le num­ber: 51-333

Har­de­ner clear-yel­­lo­­wish, sub­ject to labelling

Artic­le num­ber: 51-345

Stand­art har­de­ner transparent 

Artic­le num­ber: 51-330

Har­de­ner Thixo

Artic­le num­ber: 51-9330

Elec­tro­cast resins trans­pa­rent ela­s­tic Shore hard­ness A 44-80. Good insu­la­ti­on values, up to 140°C. Modi­fied PUR.

Artic­le num­ber: 51-1750

Tough hard cas­ting and coa­ting res­in with best UV sta­bi­li­ty. Modi­fied PUR.

Artic­le num­ber: 51-1760

Pro­duc­tion of crys­tal clear, ela­s­tic parts with Shore A with a wall thic­k­ness of 0.2 mm up to 100 mm, depen­ding on the set­ting. Crys­tal clear coa­ting for encap­su­la­ting LEDs. Modi­fied PUR.

Artic­le num­ber: 51-1770