Loctite SF 7900 Aero­dag Ceramishield


Loctite SF 7900 AERO­DAG® Cera­mis­hield™ is a cera­mic dry film pro­tec­ti­ve coa­ting for MIG/MAG wel­ding pro­ces­ses. This pro­duct pro­tects­cont­act tips and wel­ding nozz­les by pre­ven­ting adhe­si­on of wel­ding spat­ter. This results in…


Per­ma­bond TA 430 & initia­tor 41

PER­MA­BOND® TA430 is a struc­tu­ral acrylic adhe­si­ve desi­gned pri­ma­ri­ly for bon­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics, wood, and some ther­mo­pla­s­tics. This adhe­si­ve may be used in a varie­ty of struc­tu­ral bon­ding applications…


San­sil SF 772 PA

Silitech 3 Prosp 05.2017

Food-compati­ble mold release agent for pla­s­tic. Sili­co­ne free. Based on fat­ty acid ethers. Tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant up to 200 ° C. 500ml Spray…


Loctite UR 7225 (ex Macro­plast UR 7725)

LOCTITE® UR 7225 is a sol­vent-free, mois­tu­re-curing one-component poly­ure­tha­ne-based adhe­si­ve. By room tem­pe­ra­tu­re of 23 ° C and the requi­red mois­tu­re in the adhe­si­ve joint, a suf­fi­ci­ent initi­al strength is…


Bond­e­ri­te L-FG 79

BOND­E­RI­TE L-FG 79 ACHE­SON is a water-solu­b­le, pig­ment-free die lubri­cant for hot forging of steel and light metal alloys and hot stam­ping of brass…


Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 799

for use in alu­mi­num, zinc and magne­si­um and magne­si­um die cas­ting. BOND­E­RI­TE L-CA CP 799 ACHE­SON has good release pro­per­ties and, when pro­per­ly appli­ed, allows trou­ble-free use of sub­se­quent painting,…


Per­m­abond ET5162

Silitech News Permabond Food Safe

PER­MA­BOND® ET5162 is a high-per­for­mance two-component epo­xy adhe­si­ve, formula­ted to comply with both FDA 175.105 and EU food cont­act regu­la­ti­ons 10/2011. It offers excel­lent per­for­mance on stain­less steel and has…


Per­ma­bond A126 Anae­ro­bic Retainer


Per­ma­bond® A126 is a high-strength anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve for per­ma­nent assem­bly of coaxi­al assem­blies or threa­ded metal compon­ents. The excep­tio­nal­ly low vis­co­si­ty of this pro­duct makes it ide­al for use on…


Per­ma­bond HM 135 Anae­ro­bic Retainer


Per­ma­bond® HM135 is a fast curing, medi­um vis­co­si­ty anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve for locking and seal­ing threads and retai­ning cylind­ri­cal compon­ents. It gives maxi­mum tor­que strength on brass or pla­ted brass compon­ents…


Per­ma­bond ET 500

PER­MA­BOND® ET500 is a two-part fast-set­ting epo­xy adhe­si­ve which bonds to a wide varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and composi­tes. It cures rapidly at…


Per­ma­bond ES 569

569,1 k,epoxy,silitech,permabond

PER­MA­BOND® ES569 is a sin­gle-part heat cured epo­xy adhe­si­ve with excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces as well as composi­te mate­ri­als. The high bond strength of this adhe­si­ve allows it to…


Per­ma­bond 947 Cya­noacry­la­te adhesive

PER­MA­BOND® 947 is a low odour, non-fog­ging, non-fros­ting alk­oxy­ethyl cya­noacry­la­te. The redu­ced odour impro­ves worker comfort. Unsight­ly fog­ging adja­cent to bond­li­nes, common with other cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves on hot and humid…


Per­ma­bond 940 Cya­noacry­la­te adhesive


PER­MA­BOND® 940 is a low odour, non-fog­ging, non-fros­ting alk­oxy­ethyl cya­noacry­la­te. The redu­ced odour impro­ves worker comfort. Unsight­ly fog­ging adja­cent to bond­li­nes, common with other cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves on hot and humid…
