


A pro­fes­sio­nal pro­duct for num­e­rous fields of appli­ca­ti­on. Whe­ther for the crea­ti­on of sculp­tures, for res­to­ra­ti­on, rea­li­sa­ti­on of casts, mea­su­re­ments of reli­efs or for the crea­ti­on of repro­duc­tions (accu­ra­cy 1/10 mm) and copies.

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Cele­rol EMC Coa­ting 962-57

EMC Coa­ting 962-57 < 1.5 Ohm, solvent-based

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Dilu­ent with MEK Con­duc­ti­ve and insu­la­ting poly­mer pas­te for lithography

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MEK Dilu­ent

MEK Dilu­ent

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Mode­ling clay 40

Mode­ling clay semi-solid 1kg

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Mode­ling clay 40

Mode­ling clay semi-solid 1kg

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Vase­li­ne grease

Vase­li­ne grease as mold release agent for Sili­co­ne rub­ber, 900 gr box

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Poly­vi­nyl­al­co­hol as pri­ma­ri­ly lay­er for vase­li­ne grease

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Mode­ling clay 25

Mode­ling clay soft 500gr

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Spray PU 174 400ml

Mold release spray con­sis­ting of spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped liquid sili­co­ne to faci­li­ta­te rem­oval of poly­ure­tha­nes 400ml

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