

San­sil SF 772 PA

Food-com­­pa­­ti­­b­le mold release agent for pla­s­tic. Sili­co­ne free. Based on fat­ty acid ethers. Tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistant up to 200 ° C. 500ml Spray

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San­sil Lub Extra Spray

High-per­­for­­mance lubri­cant with long-las­­ting effect. Syn­the­tic lubri­ca­ting oil with high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance (+ 250 ° C); Relia­bly increa­ses the per­for­mance of injec­­ti­on-mol­­ding ejec­tors and all pre­cis­i­on mecha­nisms. 300ml spray

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Lub­rof­lon MS 20

Mold release agent for pla­s­tic and rub­ber. PTFE-based. Tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ge up to 300 ° C. Forms a homo­ge­neous lay­er with par­tic­les of 3- 4 microns. 400ml Spray

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Release spray P6 (CFC-free)

Release spray wit­hout sili­co­ne for poly­es­ter, epo­xy, poly­ure­tha­ne and sili­co­ne 400ml

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Elec­tro­fu­ge 200

Pro­tec­ti­ve lac­quer based on sili­co­ne. Pro­tec­tion of prin­ted cir­cuit boards, elec­tri­cal assem­blies. Used in aero­space, mari­ti­me, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try. 400ml ml Spray

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Sil-Jet Spray

Sili­­co­­ne-based release spray for demoul­ding pla­s­tics of all types. 500ml spray

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Pre­mi­um Sili­co­ne Spray

Sili­co­ne spray ver­sa­ti­le. water­Re­pul­si­ve and elec­tri­cal­ly insulating.Resistant to cold and heat, phy­sio­lo­gi­cal­ly harm­less. 500ml

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Sili­co­ne Spray

Release Agent for the pla­s­tics indus­try. Lubri­cant and anti-stick agent for pack­a­ging machi­nes, paper, card­board and fabric pro­ces­sing. Care and lubri­cant for rub­ber, lea­ther and pla­s­tics, sepa­ra­ti­on spray for CO2 wel­ding torch. 500 ml spray

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STM 835

Slip and release spray for phar­maceu­ti­cal applications,cosmetics and food. 400ml spray

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