Henkel Belgium S.A

Henkel has four plants in Belgium. The headquarters are located in Brussels. In addition, the Adhesive Technologies production sites in Drogenbos (pressure sensitive adhesives) and Westerlo (inks and adhesives for the assembly of semiconductors, printed circuit boards and electronic components for the automotive and electronics industries) are also located in Belgium. Electrically conductive coatings and EMC shields The products based on conductive pigments such as graphite, silver, copper or nickel can be applied to most non-conductive, rigid or flexible substrates. Electrically conductive resistive and insulating and screen printing pastes and adhesives for flexible and rigid printed circuit boards in electronics.

Loctite EDAG 6017SS known as Elec­tro­dag 6017 SS

Loctite EDAG 6017 SS is a con­duc­ti­ve screen prin­ting pas­te con­tai­ning very fine car­bon par­tic­les disper­sed in a ther­mo­pla­s­tic res­in. It is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for mixing with Elec­tro­dag PM-404, a screen prin­ta­ble resis­tor pas­te for resis­tances from 50 Ohm/square/25 μm to 3,800 Ohm/square/25 μm for low vol­ta­ges on poly­es­ter films.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 6013 known as DAG 6013 EMV

Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 6013 is a col­lo­idal disper­si­on of car­bon in MIBK. It is used for the pro­duc­tion of elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­ti­ve coa­tings. The­se coa­tings have excel­lent adhe­si­on pro­per­ties and fle­xi­bi­li­ty. Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 6013 can be mixed with dif­fe­rent res­in solu­ti­ons to impro­ve the pro­per­ties for cer­tain typi­cal applications

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Arco­solv PM Acetat

Thin­ner  for wear pro­tec­tion CEM

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Loctite EDAG 1415 known as Elec­tro­dag 1415 M EMV

Loctite EDAG 1415 M is the latest in a series of coa­tings which pro­vi­de Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (EMC) and it has been spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to give increased covera­ge while main­tai­ning a very high con­duc­ti­vi­ty. Thus it is a very eco­no­mic means of achie­ving excel­lent shiel­ding against radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic inter­fe­rence (EMI)

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