Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Henkel Adhesive Technologies. Henkel Adhesive Technologies brands are key elements of countless industrial and consumer applications. They combine unique innovative strength in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings with in-depth industry know-how to develop tailor-made solutions - for you and together with you.


LOCTITE® is the Henkel brand of choice for specially developed high-performance adhesives, sealants and coating solutions.

TEROSON® is the driving Henkel brand for bonding, sealing, coating and reinforcing in automotive body and repair and maintenance applications, as well as in industrial assembly.

BONDERITE®, the leading brand for surface technology and process solutions, creates competitive advantages in industrial manufacturing.

Henkel's TECHNOMELT® brand offers hot melt adhesives for the best results in your production processes and end product.

The Henkel brand AQUENCE® offers innovative and sustainable water-based adhesive solutions.

Bergquist -world leader in thermal management materials with a focus on developing, designing and optimising thermal management solutions for leading OEM and ODM manufacturers

Darex Packaging leading portfolio of high performance sealants, coatings and closure technologies for cans in the global packaging industry

Novamelt comprehensive portfolio of specialised pressure sensitive adhesives and wide range of customised solutions

Sonderhoff leading manufacturer of innovative FIP sealing solutions with broad know-how in the development and production of tailor-made dispensing systems

Loctite EDAG PM 406 (known as Elec­tro­dag PM-406)

Loctite EDAG PM 406 is a screen prin­ting pas­te with excel­lent con­duc­ti­vi­ty con­tai­ning very fine sil­ver par­tic­les disper­sed in a ther­mo­pla­s­tic res­in. The pro­duct has been deve­lo­ped for the manu­fac­tu­re of sen­sors and the pro­duc­tion of low vol­ta­ge cir­cuits on fle­xi­ble substrates.

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Loctite EDAG 423 SS

LOCTITE EDAG 423SS E&C con­duc­ti­ve, screen prin­ta­ble ink con­sists of very fine­ly divi­ded gra­phi­te par­tic­les disper­sed in a ther­mo­pla­s­tic res­in. It is desi­gned for use in the pro­duc­tion of low vol­ta­ge cir­cuit­ry on poly­es­ter film.

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Loctite EDAG PF-410 known as Elec­tro­dag PF-410

Loctite EDAG PF-410 con­duc­ti­ve screen prin­ta­ble ink con­sists of very fine­ly divi­ded sil­ver par­tic­les in a ther­mo­pla­s­tic res­in. It is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for use in the pro­duc­tion of low vol­ta­ge cir­cuit­ry on poly­es­ter film whe­re it com­bi­nes excel­lent fle­xi­bi­li­ty with high conductivity

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Loctite EDAG 1415 known as Elec­tro­dag 1415 M EMV

Loctite EDAG 1415 M is the latest in a series of coa­tings which pro­vi­de Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (EMC) and it has been spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to give increased covera­ge while main­tai­ning a very high con­duc­ti­vi­ty. Thus it is a very eco­no­mic means of achie­ving excel­lent shiel­ding against radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic inter­fe­rence (EMI)

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 6013 known as DAG 6013 EMV

Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 6013 is a col­lo­idal disper­si­on of car­bon in MIBK. It is used for the pro­duc­tion of elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­ti­ve coa­tings. The­se coa­tings have excel­lent adhe­si­on pro­per­ties and fle­xi­bi­li­ty. Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 6013 can be mixed with dif­fe­rent res­in solu­ti­ons to impro­ve the pro­per­ties for cer­tain typi­cal applications

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Arco­solv PM Acetat

Thin­ner  for wear pro­tec­tion CEM

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP D 18A (known as Pul­ve D 18 A 520ml

Spray for the pro­tec­tion of parts whe­re a very low coef­fi­ci­ent of fric­tion in the dry sta­te is requi­red. For exam­p­le, small com­pon­ents with cams as well as plain bea­rings, gears, screws and bolts.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP D17A known as Pul­ve­graph D17A

Bond­e­ri­te L-GP D17A Spray based on gra­phi­te is a fine pow­der with the fine­n­ess of a col­lo­id that gives a dry lubri­ca­ting film. For working at high tem­pe­ra­tures such as metal molds and model plates.

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