Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Henkel Adhesive Technologies. Henkel Adhesive Technologies brands are key elements of countless industrial and consumer applications. They combine unique innovative strength in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings with in-depth industry know-how to develop tailor-made solutions - for you and together with you.


LOCTITE® is the Henkel brand of choice for specially developed high-performance adhesives, sealants and coating solutions.

TEROSON® is the driving Henkel brand for bonding, sealing, coating and reinforcing in automotive body and repair and maintenance applications, as well as in industrial assembly.

BONDERITE®, the leading brand for surface technology and process solutions, creates competitive advantages in industrial manufacturing.

Henkel's TECHNOMELT® brand offers hot melt adhesives for the best results in your production processes and end product.

The Henkel brand AQUENCE® offers innovative and sustainable water-based adhesive solutions.

Bergquist -world leader in thermal management materials with a focus on developing, designing and optimising thermal management solutions for leading OEM and ODM manufacturers

Darex Packaging leading portfolio of high performance sealants, coatings and closure technologies for cans in the global packaging industry

Novamelt comprehensive portfolio of specialised pressure sensitive adhesives and wide range of customised solutions

Sonderhoff leading manufacturer of innovative FIP sealing solutions with broad know-how in the development and production of tailor-made dispensing systems

Loctite 586

LOCTITE®586 cures when con­fi­ned in the absence of air bet­ween clo­se fit­ting metal sur­faces. LOCTITE®586 is used to seal threads against water, oil and most com­mon orga­nic materials.

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LOCTITE® UK 8160 / LOCTITE® UK 5400 is used for bon­ding of pretrea­ted metals, wood and pla­s­tics with rigid foams. Main appli­ca­ti­on area is the moun­ting bracket

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Loctite SF 7649 (ex Loctite 7649)

LOCTITE® SF 7649 is used when an increased curing speed of anae­ro­bic LOCTITE® pro­ducts is required

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Loctite FE rapid

LOCTITE® FE Rapid (E3762) has been desi­gned to effect fast repairs to dama­ged metal­work such as cas­tings, pipes, val­ves and engines

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Loctite 648

LOCTITE®648provides robust curing per­for­mance. It not only works on acti­ve­me­tals (e.g. mild steel) but also on pas­si­ve sub­stra­tes such ass­tain­less steel and pla­ted surfaces.

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Loctite 574

LOCTITE®574 seals clo­se fit­ting joints bet­ween rigid metal­faces and flan­ges. Pro­vi­des resis­tance to low pres­su­res imme­dia­te­ly after assem­bly off­lan­ges. Typi­cal­ly used as a form-in-place gas­ket on rigid flan­ged con­nec­tions, e.g. gear­box and engi­ne casings, etc.

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Loctite 4061

LOCTITE® 4061 is desi­gned for bon­ding of pla­s­tics and elas­to­me­ric mate­ri­als whe­re very fast fix­tu­ring is requi­red. Sui­ta­ble for use in the assem­bly of dis­posable medi­cal devices.

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Loctite UK 5400 (ex Macro­plast UK 5400)

Stan­dard har­de­ner for LOCTITE ® 2 K PUR adhesives

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Loctite UK 8101 (ex Macro­plast UK 8101)

LOCTITE® UK 8101 is a 2 K poly­ure­tha­ne (PUR) adhe­si­ve and pot­ting com­pound with low viscosity.

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Loctite SI 5399 (ex Loctite 5399)

LOCTITE® SI 5399 is main­ly used for seal­ing. But it is also sui­ta­ble for gluing and high tem­pe­ra­tu­re appli­ca­ti­ons. They are pri­ma­ri­ly used in indus­tri­al adhe­si­ve and seal­ing appli­ca­ti­ons, in hea­ting tech­no­lo­gy, indus­tri­al fur­naces, elec­tri­cal appli­ances and indus­tri­al hea­ting sys­tems. Typi­cal appli­ca­ti­on are­as for this pro­duct are appli­ca­ti­ons with an ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re of up to…

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