Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Henkel Adhesive Technologies. Henkel Adhesive Technologies brands are key elements of countless industrial and consumer applications. They combine unique innovative strength in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings with in-depth industry know-how to develop tailor-made solutions - for you and together with you.


LOCTITE® is the Henkel brand of choice for specially developed high-performance adhesives, sealants and coating solutions.

TEROSON® is the driving Henkel brand for bonding, sealing, coating and reinforcing in automotive body and repair and maintenance applications, as well as in industrial assembly.

BONDERITE®, the leading brand for surface technology and process solutions, creates competitive advantages in industrial manufacturing.

Henkel's TECHNOMELT® brand offers hot melt adhesives for the best results in your production processes and end product.

The Henkel brand AQUENCE® offers innovative and sustainable water-based adhesive solutions.

Bergquist -world leader in thermal management materials with a focus on developing, designing and optimising thermal management solutions for leading OEM and ODM manufacturers

Darex Packaging leading portfolio of high performance sealants, coatings and closure technologies for cans in the global packaging industry

Novamelt comprehensive portfolio of specialised pressure sensitive adhesives and wide range of customised solutions

Sonderhoff leading manufacturer of innovative FIP sealing solutions with broad know-how in the development and production of tailor-made dispensing systems

Loctite EA E3508 A (38kg) + B 19kg) (ex Bond­mas­ter E 3508 A+B)

LOCTITE® EA E3508 is a two com­po­nent epo­xy adhesive/sealing com­pound which has a long usable life. The pro­duct has high cohe­si­ve strength and excel­lent impact and vibra­ti­on resis­tance. 13’000 mPa.s.

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Loctite EA E3520 A (2kg) + B (1kg) (ex Bond­mas­ter E 3520 A+B)

Loctite EA E3520 Epo­xy 2-com­­pon­ents adhe­si­ve gray. For gene­ral use. Low vis­co­si­ty 14’000 mPa.s.

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Loctite EA E3522 A (2kg) + B (1kg) (ex Bond­mas­ter E 3522 A+B)

LOCTITE® EA E3522 is a low vis­co­si­ty two part epo­xy adhe­si­ve. It is a light­ly thixo­tro­pic pro­duct giving impro­ved per­for­mance in ele­va­ted tem­pe­ra­tu­re appli­ca­ti­ons. LOCTITE® EA E3522 is trans­pa­rent when appli­ed in thin films. This struc­tu­ral adhe­si­ve can per­ma­nent­ly bond a varie­ty of mate­ri­als and has shown excel­lent results on brass and cera­mics. Its good…

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Loctite EA E3632 A (2kg) + B (1kg) (ex Bond­mas­ter E 3632 A+B)

LOCTITE® EA E3632 is a two com­po­nent epo­xy adhe­si­ve often used as a pot­ting compound/casting res­in. It was deve­lo­ped as a clear, low vis­co­si­ty pot­ting com­pound with good che­mi­cal and tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance. To achie­ve opti­mal bond strength a post cure at ele­va­ted tem­pe­ra­tures is recom­men­ded 13’000 mPa.s.

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Loctite E 01 (50ml) (ex Bond­mas­ter E 01)

Loctite E 01 Epo­xy 2-com­­pon­ents adhe­si­ve very fast, trans­pa­rent. Vis­co­si­ty 35,000 mPa.s.

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Loctite F-5002 (50ml) (ex Bond­mas­ter F 5002)

Loctite F-5002 The res­in and the acti­va­tor are appli­ed on one other. Mix­tu­re not requi­red. Adhe­si­ves of metals, pla­s­tics, cera­mics, glass, and wood. Set­ting time 3 to 5 minu­tes. 50ml Cartridge

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Loctite Dou­ble Bubble (ex Bondmaster)

Loctite Dou­ble Bubble Epo­xy 2-com­­pon­ents adhe­si­ve very fast, trans­pa­rent. Vis­co­si­ty 35,000 mPa.s. Pack of 50 x 3gr.

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Loctite F-246 with acti­va­tor 5 (ex Bond­mas­ter F 246)

Loctite F-246 with acti­va­tor 5 Res­in and acti­va­tor, sui­ta­ble for extre­me bon­ding of metals, pla­s­tics, com­po­si­te mate­ri­als cera­mics, glass, and wood. Set­ting time 30 – 60 sec. Kit à 55gr.

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Loctite Acti­va­tor No 5 (35gr) (ex Bondmaster)

Loctite Acti­va­tor No 5. Set­ting time 30 – 60 seconds.

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Loctite UK 8103 (ex Macro­plast UK 8103)

LOCTITE® UK 8103 is a sol­­vent-free two-com­­po­­nent poly­u­re­t­ha­­ne-based adhe­si­ve. It is used for bon­ding pre-tre­a­­ted metals, pla­s­tics and hard foams.

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