Henkel-Loctite / Teroson


LOCTITE® is the Henkel brand of choice for specially formulated high performance adhesives, sealants and coating solutions.

TEROSON® is the driving Henkel brand for bonding, sealing, coating and reinforcing in automotive body and repair and maintenance applications, as well as in industrial assembly.

Loctite SF 770 Pri­mer (ex Loctite 770)

LOCTITE® SF 770 is used to pre-tre­at poly­o­lef­ins or other mate­ri­als with low sur­face ener­gies so they can be trea­ted with LOCTITE® cyanoacrylate-adhesives

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Loctite 480

LOCTITE® 480 is an impact-modi­­fied adhe­si­ve with increased fle­xi­bi­li­ty and peel strength as well as excel­lent resis­tance to shock loads.

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Loctite UR 7220 (ex Macro­plast UR 7220)

LOCTITE® UR 7220 is a sol­­vent-free, mois­­tu­­re-curing one-com­­po­­nent adhe­si­ve with a very long, open-time, poly­u­re­t­ha­­ne-based finish. LOCTITE® UR 7220 is used for the pro­duc­tion of com­po­si­te ele­ments which con­tain mois­tu­re (for exam­p­le, wood), tog­e­ther or metals, lami­na­ted boards, various pla­s­tics and pla­s­tic foams.

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Loctite 278

LOCTITE® 278 is used for per­ma­nent sto­rage and seal­ing of threa­ded con­nec­tions. High tem­pe­ra­tu­re resistance.

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Loctite 401

LOCTITE® 401 is used to join mate­ri­als that are dif­fi­cult to bond in appli­ca­ti­ons whe­re uni­form stress dis­tri­bu­ti­on and high ten­si­le or shear strength are required

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Loctite 406

LOCTITE® 406 is used for bon­ding pla­s­tics and elas­to­mers when very fast fixing is required

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Loctite 435

LOCTITE® 435 is a high impact modi­fied adhe­si­ve. Increased fle­xi­bi­li­ty and peel strength as well as excel­lent resis­tance to shock loads.

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Loctite EA 9466 (ex Hysol 9466)

LOCTITE® EA 9466 is a toug­he­ned, indus­tri­al gra­de epo­xy adhe­si­ve with exten­ded work life. Once mixed, the two com­po­nent epo­xy cures at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re to form a tough, off-white bond­li­ne which pro­vi­des high peel resis­tance and high shear strengths.

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Loctite EA 3430 (ex Hysol 3430)

LOCTITE® 3430 is a two-com­­po­­nent, trans­pa­rent epo­xy res­in adhe­si­ve, which cures quick­ly by room tem­pe­ra­tu­re after mixing

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Loctite 222

LOCTITE® 222 is used for secu­ring and seal­ing threa­ded con­nec­tions, which must be easy to dis­mant­le using nor­mal hand tools.

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