Henkel Nederland B.V.

B>Henkel Nederland B.V. Process Lubricants and Electronic Materials. Henkel has four offices in the Netherlands. The head office is located in Nieuwegein. Scheemda is home to a production site of the Adhesive Technologies business sector (release agents and special coatings for products in the automotive and electronics industries). Electronic Materials, Special Coatings and Process Lubricants.

Trademarks represented by us: Bonderite, Loctite EDAG and Minico.

Process lubricants for metal forming, hot pressing, cold extrusion, isothermal and superplastic forming.

Separating and lubricants for permanent mould and die casting of non-ferrous metals and light alloys.

Special lubricants for the maintenance of machines and production plants in industry.

Dry lubricating films based on Graphite, Molybdändisulfite and PTFE for the coating of elastomers, plastics and metals.

Electrycally Conductive CoatingsS EMC shielding. Products based on conductive pigments such as graphite, silver, copper or nickel can be applied to most non-conductive, rigid or flexible substrates.

Electrycally conductive, Resistance and Insulation Screen Printing Pastes and Adhesives for flexible and rigid printed circuit boards in electronics.

Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 799

Repla­ce­ment pro­duct for Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 723 Ache­son. Repla­ce­ment pro­duct for Bond­e­ri­te L-CA CP 723 Ache­son. BOND­E­RI­TE L-CA CP 799 ACHE­SON is a high-solids emul­si­onof spe­ci­al­ly sel­ec­ted release agents for use in alu­mi­num, zinc and magne­si­umand magne­si­um die cas­ting. BOND­E­RI­TE L-CA CP799 ACHE­SON has good release pro­per­ties and, when pro­per­ly appli­ed, allows trou­­b­le-free use of…

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Bond­e­ri­te L-FG 1559

BOND­E­RI­TE L-FG M 1559 ACHE­SON is high tem­pe­ra­tu­re grease rein­forced with a blend of gra­phi­te and molyb­denum disul­phi­de and is used for the lubri­ca­ti­on of tools, dies and con­tai­ners in extru­si­on and for­ging processes.

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BOND­E­RI­TE L-FG ADAG C EU ACHE­SON is a uni­que disper­si­on of col­lo­idal gra­phi­te in water, which com­bi­nes a sub-micron par­tic­le size dis­tri­bu­ti­on with out­stan­ding film forming pro­per­ties on a wide varie­ty of materials.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-FG 79

BOND­E­RI­TE L-FG 79 ACHE­SON is a water-solu­­b­­le, pig­­ment-free die lubri­cant for hot for­ging of steel and light metal alloys and hot stam­ping of brass

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 318 known as Emralon 318

This BOND­E­RI­TE coa­ting is one of a series of Hen­kel res­in- bond­ed lubri­cant coa­tings desi­gned to pro­vi­de dry film lubri­ca­ti­on and release pro­per­ties in a varie­ty of indus­tri­al and con­su­mer appli­ca­ti­ons. BOND­E­RI­TE poly­te­traf­lu­or­ethy­le­ne coa­ting with excel­lent lubri­ca­ting and non-stick properties.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 305 known as DAG 305

BOND­E­RI­TE L-GP 305 ACHE­SON is a col­lo­idal disper­si­on of car­bon in MIBK. It is used for the for­ma­ti­on of elec­tri­cal­ly con­duc­ti­ve coa­tings and dry lubri­ca­ting films. The­se coa­tings and films show excel­lent fle­xi­bi­li­ty and adhe­si­on pro­per­ties. BOND­E­RI­TE L-GP 305 ACHE­SON the­r­e­fo­re is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for for­ma­ti­on of scree­ning coa­tings on p.v.c., poly­es­ter and cel­lo­pha­ne tape…

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 502 known as DAG 502

Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 502 is a disper­si­on of finest and purest col­lo­idal gra­phi­te in iso­pro­pa­nol. Depen­ding on the appli­ca­ti­on, Dag 502 is used eit­her con­cen­tra­ted or diluted. After appli­ca­ti­on, the car­ri­er liquid eva­po­ra­tes within a short time and lea­ves a dry gra­phi­te film with good adhesion.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 330 (known as Emralon 330)

A coa­ting of Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 330 offers clean, dry, long las­ting, sol­vent resistant lubri­ca­ti­on for sli­ding, rub­bing or rol­ling sur­faces. Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 330 is a res­in-bon­d­ed PTFE lubri­cant sup­pli­ed as one com­po­nent in rea­­dy-for-use form.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 333-1 (known as Emralon 333)

BOND­E­RI­TE L-GP 333 EU ACHE­SON is a uni­que blend of fluo­ro­car­bon lubri­cants in a spe­cial orga­nic res­in bin­der and sol­vent sys­tem desi­gned for appli­ca­ti­ons bey­ond the scope of con­ven­tio­nal fluo­ro­car­bon coatings

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 2404 known as DAG 2404

Dry lubri­cant film

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