Henkel Nederland B.V.

B>Henkel Nederland B.V. Process Lubricants and Electronic Materials. Henkel has four offices in the Netherlands. The head office is located in Nieuwegein. Scheemda is home to a production site of the Adhesive Technologies business sector (release agents and special coatings for products in the automotive and electronics industries). Electronic Materials, Special Coatings and Process Lubricants.

Trademarks represented by us: Bonderite, Loctite EDAG and Minico.

Process lubricants for metal forming, hot pressing, cold extrusion, isothermal and superplastic forming.

Separating and lubricants for permanent mould and die casting of non-ferrous metals and light alloys.

Special lubricants for the maintenance of machines and production plants in industry.

Dry lubricating films based on Graphite, Molybdändisulfite and PTFE for the coating of elastomers, plastics and metals.

Electrycally Conductive CoatingsS EMC shielding. Products based on conductive pigments such as graphite, silver, copper or nickel can be applied to most non-conductive, rigid or flexible substrates.

Electrycally conductive, Resistance and Insulation Screen Printing Pastes and Adhesives for flexible and rigid printed circuit boards in electronics.

Loctite EDAG 725A known as Elec­tro­dag 725 A

Loctite EDAG 725A (6S-61) is a con­duc­ti­ve screen prin­ting pas­te con­tai­ning very fine sil­ver par­tic­les disper­sed in a ther­mo­pla­s­tic res­in. The pro­duct is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the pro­duc­tion of low vol­ta­ge cir­cuits on poly­es­ter film, whe­re it com­bi­nes excel­lent fle­xi­bi­li­ty with high conductivity.

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Dilu­ent with MEK Con­duc­ti­ve and insu­la­ting poly­mer pas­te for lithography

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MEK Dilu­ent

MEK Dilu­ent

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP D17A known as Pul­ve­graph D17A

Bond­e­ri­te L-GP D17A Spray based on gra­phi­te is a fine pow­der with the fine­n­ess of a col­lo­id that gives a dry lubri­ca­ting film. For working at high tem­pe­ra­tures such as metal molds and model plates.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP D 18A (known as Pul­ve D 18 A 520ml

Spray for the pro­tec­tion of parts whe­re a very low coef­fi­ci­ent of fric­tion in the dry sta­te is requi­red. For exam­p­le, small com­pon­ents with cams as well as plain bea­rings, gears, screws and bolts.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 323 (known as Emralon 323)

Bond­e­ri­te L-GP 323 is a fast-dry­ing, res­in-bon­d­ed fluo­ro­car­bon dry lubri­ca­ti­on film. It is easy to app­ly and har­dens in the air. It can be spray­ed on wood, metal and pla­s­tic. The result is a thin, trans­pa­rent film

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Bond­e­ri­te L – GP BND60A

Bond­e­ri­te L – GP BND60A Spray to pro­tect sur­faces at tem­pe­ra­tures from 600 to 1000 ° C. Non-stick for MIG and bur­ner nozzle.

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Bond­e­ri­te L-GP AGU (known as Gra­co AGU) 300ml

BOND­E­RI­TE L-GP AGU+ is a rust pro­tec­tion pas­te with a high con­cen­tra­ti­on of mem­­bra­­ne-like par­tic­les of solid lubri­cants and self-lubri­­ca­­ting metals; it has a high ther­mal sta­bi­li­ty on non-dis­­sol­­va­­b­le, stain­less steel substrates.

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