
Permabond Engineering Adhesives has been a leader in adhesive technology for industrial applications for over 25 years. Under the term HIGH PERFORMANCE ADHESIVES are the following product groups:

Per­ma­bond Acti­va­tor CSA

Per­ma­bond® C Sur­face Acti­va­tor (CSA) is used in con­junc­tion with Per­ma­bond cya­noacry­la­te adhe­si­ves to pro­mo­te a fas­ter cure and to extend their gap-fil­­ling capa­bi­li­ties. It also enables fil­lets of cured adhe­si­ve to be for­med if requi­red and can be used to redu­ce the effects of bloo­ming, which can affect deco­ra­ti­ve sur­faces. Use of CSA also…

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Per­ma­bond ES 558

PER­MA­BOND® ES558 is a sin­g­le-part epo­xy pas­te which flows like sold­er when hea­ted during curing. The adhe­si­ve is toug­he­ned for maxi­mum impact resis­tance, along with excel­lent peel and shear strength. ES558 is ide­al for bon­ding a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and com­po­si­tes. Vis­co­si­ty 100’000 – 300’000 mPa.s

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Per­ma­bond ES 562

PER­MA­BOND® ES562 is a sin­g­le-part epo­xy adhe­si­ve which flows like sold­er when hea­ted during curing. The adhe­si­ve has excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces and com­po­si­tes. The high bond strength of this adhe­si­ve allows it to replace mecha­ni­cal fas­tening, sold­e­ring or bra­zing. The adhesive’s low vis­co­si­ty is such that it self-levels. Vis­co­si­ty 15’000 – 25’000 mPa.s

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Per­ma­bond ES 569

PER­MA­BOND® ES569 is a sin­g­le-part heat cured epo­xy adhe­si­ve with excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces as well as com­po­si­te mate­ri­als. The high bond strength of this adhe­si­ve allows it to replace mecha­ni­cal fas­tening, sold­e­ring, bra­zing or wel­ding. ES569 has been desi­gned to be non-sag­­ging, allo­wing the pro­duct to be used in lar­ge gaps and on…

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Per­ma­bond ES 578

PER­MA­BOND® ES578 is a sin­g­le-part heat cured epo­xy adhe­si­ve with excel­lent adhe­si­on to metal sur­faces, cera­mics as well as com­po­si­te mate­ri­als. ES578 pro­vi­des excel­lent ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty and bond strength. ES578 was desi­gned for appli­ca­ti­ons requi­ring heat dis­si­pa­ti­on such as bon­ding alu­mi­num heat sinks to cera­mic headers.The cured adhe­si­ve has been desi­gned to meet the fire…

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Per­ma­bond ET 540

PER­MA­BOND® ET540 is a two-part, 2:1 mixa­ble, semi-fle­xi­­b­le toug­he­ned no slump epo­xy adhe­si­ve with good adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and com­po­si­tes. Per­ma­bond ET540 forms tough bonds pro­vi­ding high peel resis­tance and high shear strength cou­pled with excel­lent resis­tance to high tem­pe­ra­tures. The exten­ded work life…

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Per­ma­bond ES 550

PER­MA­BOND® ES550 is a sin­g­le-part epo­xy pas­te which is slump-resistant (does not flow) during cure. The adhe­si­ve is toug­he­ned for maxi­mum impact resis­tance, along with excel­lent peel and shear strength. ES550 is ide­al for bon­ding a wide ran­ge of mate­ri­als inclu­ding metals, fer­ri­tes, cera­mics and composites.THIXO. Vis­ko­si­tät 1‘000000 – 2‘000000 mPa.s

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Per­ma­bond ET 510

PER­MA­BOND® ET510 is a two-part, 1:1 mixa­ble epo­xy adhe­si­ve. ET510 is a semi-fle­xi­­b­le toug­he­ned epo­xy adhe­si­ve with good adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and com­po­si­tes. The pro­duct cures rapidly at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re rea­ching hand­ling strength in 20-40 minu­tes. Once cured, Per­ma­bond ET510 has good che­mi­cal and…

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Per­ma­bond ET 515

PER­MA­BOND® ET515 is a 1:1 mixa­ble epo­xy adhe­si­ve. ET515 is a semi-fle­xi­­b­le toug­he­ned adhe­si­ve with good adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and com­po­si­tes. It’s a rela­tively fast curing epo­xy; rea­ching hand­ling strength in 15 minu­tes. It is ide­al for bon­ding dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als whe­re dif­fe­ren­ti­al ther­mal expansion…

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Per­ma­bond ET 536

PER­MA­BOND® ET536 is a two-part, 1:1 mixa­ble epo­xy adhe­si­ve with good adhe­si­on to a varie­ty of sub­stra­tes such as wood, metal, cera­mics and some pla­s­tics and com­po­si­tes. Per­ma­bond ET536 forms tough bonds pro­vi­ding high peel resis­tance and high shear strength. The exten­ded work life of this pro­duct allows for adjus­t­ment and makes it more suitable…

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