
Permabond Engineering Adhesives has been a leader in adhesive technology for industrial applications for over 25 years. Under the term HIGH PERFORMANCE ADHESIVES are the following product groups:

Per­ma­bond MH 199 Anae­ro­bic Gasketmaker

Per­ma­bond® MH199 is an anae­ro­bic mate­ri­al desi­gned for making “for­med in situ” gas­kets bet­ween metal sur­faces. It is capa­ble of repla­cing a wide ran­ge of con­ven­tio­nal gas­kets, ther­eby offe­ring poten­ti­al for redu­ced stock hol­dings. By allo­wing sur­face to sur­face cont­act, load trans­mis­si­on can be impro­ved. As the pro­duct does not shrink, creep or relax after…

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LH 197 Anae­ro­bic Gasketmaker

Per­ma­bond® LH197 is an anae­ro­bic mate­ri­al desi­gned for making “for­med in situ” gas­kets bet­ween metal sur­faces. It is high­ly fle­xi­ble, making it ide­al for dis­si­mi­lar sur­faces whe­re dif­fe­ren­ti­al ther­mal expan­si­on and con­trac­tion could be an issue. Due to its fle­xi­bi­li­ty it is easy to remo­ve and ide­al for gas­ke­ting appli­ca­ti­ons whe­re rou­ti­ne dis­as­sem­bly is required…

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Per­ma­bond HM 135 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® HM135 is a fast curing, medi­um vis­co­si­ty anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve for locking and seal­ing threads and retai­ning cylind­ri­cal com­pon­ents. It gives maxi­mum tor­que strength on brass or pla­ted brass com­pon­ents and pro­vi­des excel­lent tem­pe­ra­tu­re and che­mi­cal resistance.

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Per­ma­bond A 118 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® A118 is an anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve desi­gned to pro­vi­de per­ma­nent locking and seal­ing of metal parts such as bea­rings, gears, studs and other threa­ded com­pon­ents. It exhi­bits high strength, excel­lent dura­bi­li­ty and resis­tance to vibra­ti­on, fati­gue and fret­ting cor­ro­si­on. The­se fea­tures allow machi­ning tole­ran­ces to be rela­xed, and mecha­ni­cal locking devices to be eli­mi­na­ted, with…

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Per­ma­bond A126 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® A126 is a high-strength anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve for per­ma­nent assem­bly of coaxi­al assem­blies or threa­ded metal com­pon­ents. The excep­tio­nal­ly low vis­co­si­ty of this pro­duct makes it ide­al for use on tight fit­ting com­pon­ents or whe­re the adhe­si­ve needs to be appli­ed after assem­bly. In addi­ti­on it may also be used to seal poro­si­ty in welds…

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Per­ma­bond A 134 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® A134 is a high-strength anae­ro­bic pro­duct desi­gned for the per­ma­nent locking and seal­ing of metal parts. Its ‘non-drip’ for­mu­la­ti­on makes it sui­ta­ble for use on lar­ger fit­tings, coar­se threads or for the reno­va­ti­on of assem­blies whe­re wide tole­ran­ces are expec­ted due to dama­ge or wear. A134 can extend the life of com­pon­ents by reducing…

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Per­ma­bond F 201 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® F201 is an anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve which has been deve­lo­ped to give excel­lent resis­tance to peel and impact forces. This toug­hening, com­bi­ned with good adhe­si­on to alu­mi­ni­um and cop­per alloys, makes it the first choice whe­re rela­tively thin or light­weight com­pon­ents are being bond­ed which may be sub­ject to “dis­tor­ti­on” in ser­vice. It is also…

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Per­ma­bond F 202 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

The uni­que ‘toug­hening’ pro­cess incor­po­ra­ted into Per­ma­bond® F202 gives this anae­ro­bic adhe­si­ve excel­lent resis­tance to peel and impact forces. Pri­ma­ri­ly desi­gned for use on metal sur­faces, it is also capa­ble of resis­ting the ther­mal stres­ses that may be gene­ra­ted when bon­ding dis­si­mi­lar sur­faces. Its ‘non-drip’ con­sis­ten­cy makes it sui­ta­ble for use on lar­ger fit­tings or…

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Per­ma­bond HM 162 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® HM162 is a medi­um vis­co­si­ty retai­ning com­pound that cures when con­fi­ned bet­ween metal parts to form an extre­me­ly tough bond. It is best sui­ted for cylind­ri­cal parts and whe­re high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance is requi­red. In the uncu­red, liquid sta­te, the adhe­si­ve wets the metal sur­faces, key­ing into all sur­face irre­gu­la­ri­ties and fills the space…

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Per­ma­bond HM 165 Anae­ro­bic Retainer

Per­ma­bond® HM162 is a medi­um vis­co­si­ty retai­ning com­pound that cures when con­fi­ned bet­ween metal parts to form an extre­me­ly tough bond. It is best sui­ted for cylind­ri­cal parts and whe­re high tem­pe­ra­tu­re resis­tance is requi­red. In the uncu­red, liquid sta­te, the adhe­si­ve wets the metal sur­faces, key­ing into all sur­face irre­gu­la­ri­ties and fills the space…

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